Zach and I celebrating meeting his nephew
As I sit writing this blog, I am weeping for my own loss. Tears flowing as if it was the first day. I do this best alone. The holidays are hard for me. I put on a good strong facade. As a mother it is my worst nightmare, the hole left deep within me aches for my lost child. I live with this pain daily. Yet, I have committed myself to help others by telling my story. I hurt for others knowing every 11 minutes someone out there is taking there life. I ache for the pain I know that mother will be feeling. As one mother said to me a few years ago, this is a horrible club to be a part of. This has stuck with me. A club mothers unknowingly join every 11 minutes.
Suicide is among the top 10 leading causes of death in the United States, meaning one suicide every 11 minutes. The second leading suicide deaths are 10-34 year old. Think about that. Mind blowing. Every 11 minutes, someone is not able to get help and they end it all for themselves. Not realizing what devastation they have left behind. With men having a higher rate than women. I believe men, like my son, Zach, just couldn’t bare the intense mental anguish, pain and darkness anymore. We try and spread the love and message with Zach’s original signature “Much Love”, by offering stickers, koozies, coasters and t-shirts. This is why our foundation is so important to be able to help AFSP ‘American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’ and ’Stop Soldiers Suicide’ . We donate all our proceeds to these organizations.
I have had many people share their stories or experiences with suicide or suicidal thoughts. Some have told me after hearing my story they thought of Zach as if he was there stopping them. I feel we have an angel above watching over us in these dark moments. I hope during this crazy year that we continue to spread my story of the pain and suffering of losing my oldest son by his own doing, Suicide. We need to talk about this darkness we all feel during our life. I know I need to talk about about how deep I can get into that hole. It’s terrifying.
But, I say with a huge but, the path and struggles that a person leaves behind after a suicide is horrific. A daily battle of guilt, sorrow, emotional pain and a huge void in ones life. It’s been 5 years, I still want to pick up the phone and call Zach. Every day, I wake with the knowledge that he is gone forever. Forever is infinite. If you are thinking about taking a path of suicide think about the people you will leave behind, what that will do to their life. Just stop before that 11th minute and call a loved one or call the suicide hotline.
Please join me and help Much Love Foundation to help stop that 11 minutes, please feel free to post your thoughts or experiences with suicide/depression and of survival.
Much Love-