Kody's painfully tragic suicide shared by his mother
Kody holding his son. Precious memories…
Kody’s story told by his mother.
With her permission to share…
Kody’s story
Today a year ago would be the last lunch I had with my son.
God so many things,
I wish I could take back.
If I could just hold him one more time!
When my son died
He was a victim of domestic violence .
Which isn’t as rare as people believe .
My son was caught in the most toxic relationship .
which would inevitably be his “Ultimate destruction “
For over a year I had been trying to get him to see this.
but to no avail
I was raising his child .
from 2 weeks old because ,
he was removed from his mother because of this situation .
As hard as I tried ,I couldn’t get him to see how toxic this woman was
He kept saying,
Mom I can help her!
I want my family!
Crying on my shoulder
Telling me “I just didn’t understand”
The entire time ,
my son was being blamed for the disfunction .
Not only did he protect his abuser ,but when he tried to tell them .
With video evidence .
They turned a blind eye
Because reunification with the mother was the states goal
By the time my son died
He lost his home .
living in his car
Being arrested on false allegations
After being lured to meet her
Giving every penny to this woman
Was not allowed to attend college because his abuser was good at being the victim .
He was a medical student with a brilliant path ahead of him.
He was so broken by this point !
He felt he had No options!
It took its toll
And I couldn’t save him!
A man who hated guns !
Would give a homeless man his shirt on the coldest day of the year and share his food.
Believing he could save the world !
Had what would be his last meal with me .
Planning his exit !
The next morning giving this woman every penny he had out of his bank 10,000 then going to a gun range !
Txting me
The last words every from him were to me
Writings letter to his baby
Took a gun !
And shot himself in the head!
This is the last I would every hear from my sweet boy!
30 minutes later his friend a police offers called me .
to tell me my son was on life support !
to come right away !
With so much sadness !
He waited for me to get there .
he held his hand !
And then held me .
as I broke down with him.
We cried and cried together.
My son died in front of me early am the 27th after pronouncing him .
so that we could ventilate him ,for organ donation !
The agony of keeping his body going was to much to bare!
But I knew this was what he wanted
So as the team tirelessly phoned every doctor for possible donors .
Making all the arrangements to get these people the organs they needed to save their lives .
Praying god let me be wrong !
wake up!
Which I knew wasn’t going to happen.
The team rushed in as I clung to my baby’s body .
Trying to hear his heart beating so I would never forget !
I had to to say goodbye!!
My son donated every organ .
tissue eyes
The only good thing that came of this .
Was my grandson who I battle to see
And the lives my son saved.
Every transplant was a complete success !!
Praise god !!
my son lives on
Doing what he was meant to do
Give life !!
My reason for sharing this story although long
Is to in some way help others to heal and understand
Our loved ones live on
Their destiny isn’t to have a stone monument
But to live on through others
Turning loss into life
We have the power to allow them to live through us
Share the best of them
Turning the black hole left In our heart
Into a wonderful rainbow of love we share with others
I hope this helps one person today
Thank you so much for allowing me to share this with you